Where technology

Our functional and ergonomic solutions maximize the comfort of use and work with.

Trust built over the years

We consider ourselves as a specialists in the design, production and assembly of RF cages mainly for the needs of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Our products are the result of intensive research and development, reliable implementation of our customers’ comments, investment in the company’s staff and in innovative solutions in production. Thanks to this, we can offer you a solution tailored to the needs of a given facility, ensuring, above all, patient safety and a sense of comfort for the examined person, as well as high intuitiveness of working with the product for the technician performing the examination.

Safety and functionality are the most important parameters for us. Based on the experience gained and the Flux technology, we fulfill these declarations perfectly.

Our cages provide acoustic comfort at the highest level. This has been appreciated by many customers and many end users, whose daily work with our RF cages is simply more pleasant.
However, functionality and ergonomics are important. It is ensured by both the materials used for healthcare as well as modern, easy-to-clean interiors of our cages.

When designing cages, we care about the safety of both medical personnel and third parties, who often do not know the potential dangers of staying in the vicinity of a strong magnetic field.
More and more planned facilities require technical verification. They are created in shopping malls, blocks of flats or other multi-purpose facilities in city centers where we effectively measure the levels of disturbances and counteract them.

Safety and reliability. The implemented technologies and experienced staff allow us to offer long warranty periods.

We are sure of the quality of our materials and their durability. We design and install additional shields in the form of magnetic shields protecting third parties against a strong magnetic field generated by magnetic resonance. We perform measurements at the planning stage of the MRI laboratory and select magnetic shielding to protect the MRI device against DC interference generated by heavy ferromagnetic objects such as elevators, cars, trams, subways, but also against AC interference from power lines or transformer stations. We have solutions for measuring ground vibrations and products to reduce these vibrations if they exceed the maximum levels. All these activities provide failure-free facility and work safety of staff and third parties.

Verified technology


Three technologies : copper&wood, galvanized steel, aluminium.


A full package of services allowing to build turn key MRI facility.


Close cooperation with leading manufacturers of MRI devices.


Guarantee of maintaining parameters for many years of use.


Company development focused on innovative solutions.


The interiors of our RF cages are by far
one of the prettiest
As a standard, we offer a configuration of fire resistant materials, smooth and easy-to-clean surfaces, very good ergonomics of use and modern design.

In the case of more demanding customers, we are able to meet almost any requirement. We have already equipped our interiors with wall and ceiling graphics, LED backlit graphics, lighting elements in the floor, ambient lighting, individual furniture, projectors for displaying images on the walls of the cage, LED screens built into the walls and many others.

Our offer

Flux Medical technology

RF cage in copper&wood technology is our flagship product. It consists of several important factors, the most important of which are:

The copper&wood cage in Flux technology is all-purpose solution for applications with MRI.

The self-supporting structure (wooden sceleton) is made of high-quality wooden beams. The shield ensuring high shielding efficiency is made of a copper with a thickness of up to 0.2 mm. This type of construction works well in MRI rooms with unusual shapes, e.g. with local lowerings, additional corners or walls at an angle other than 90° or 45°.

The Flux Cu cage shielding efficiency parameters are comparable to the Flux AL aluminum cage in the frequency range of MRI devices.

The greatest advantage of the Flux Cu structure is its design flexibility, and thus the possibility of adapting even to very demanding spaces and maximum use of space.

RF cage in the technology of galvanized steel GALV or fully aluminum AL, are our cage products with high parameters, built of modular panels. Due to better shielding parameters in a much wider frequency band, they are perfect for applications in scientific and research facilities as well as for MRI.

The Flux GALV steel cage is a construction similar to Flux AL. It is made of self-supporting, bolted modules made of 2 mm thick galvanized steel. This solution ensures high parameters of shielding effectiveness in a wide range of frequencies from low kHz to high GHz.

The parameters it guarantees are the highest among the structures offered by Flux Medical.

The Flux GALV cabin will be used both with MRI devices from all leading manufacturers, as well as in specialized technical installations for research and development units, server rooms or test rooms for electronic devices.

The aluminum cage in Flux AL technology is a twin structure of the Flux GALV. Made of self-supporting, screwed aluminum modules with a thickness of 3 mm, it is almost three times lighter than its equivalent one in steel technology.

This solution works well wherever the possibility of using a lighter structure of the cage allows you to avoid high costs associated with the need to strengthen the floors. The parameters of the Flux AL cage shielding effectiveness are comparable to the copper&wood cage in the frequency range of MRI devices.

Flux AL outperforms the copper&wood design at higher frequencies of the hundreds of MHz.

Magnetic shielding is an important part of our business. We are able to design and manufacture passive shielding to limit or remove the impact of a strong magnetic field on devices located in the vicinity of the MRI examination room, as well as the negative impact of the magnetic field on people with, for example, pacemakers or everyday electronic devices. Sometimes it is necessary to isolate the MRI examination room from the negative impact of external factors on its work, e.g. proximity to a street with high traffic. In both cases, passive magnetic shielding is most often used. Each time individually tailored to the requirements of a given location.

Based on knowledge and many years of experience, we have developed our own method of selecting passive shielding to meet the requirements of a given location.

Quench rura, inaczej rura helowa, to instalacja zapewniająca bezpieczeństwo w pracowni rezonansu magnetycznego. Nasze instalacje rur helowych wykonujemy zgodnie z wytycznymi QLD. Przygotowane na produkcji odcinki rur są testowane ciśnieniowo. Ten sam test gotowej instalacji odbywa się w placówce klienta. Tylko takie podejście oraz użycie najwyższej jakości materiałów gwarantuje bezpieczeństwo pracy w jej pobliżu.
Wykonujemy zaawansowane technicznie, specjalistyczne instalacje quench rur, tzn. z koniecznością użycia sprzętu alpinistycznego, specjalnych dźwigów i podnośników, w budynkach z nadzorem konserwatora zabytków oraz w istniejących już szachtach.

We perform measurements of AC, DC, b0 disturbances, vibration and sound intensity measurements in places where the installation of an MRI device is planned. If interference is detected, we implement solutions in the form of an additional shielding system.

We measure the effectiveness of shielding in the RF frequency range of cages of all manufacturers. Based on the measurements, we prepare a report in accordance with EN 50147-1. If the cabin needs repair, we provide recommendations.

In the event that the level of vibration exceeds the permissible limit values of MRI equipment manufacturers, we undertake the construction of structures aimed at reducing these vibrations so as to enable the installation of magnetic resonance imaging.


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Direct contact

Administratorem danych osobowych jest FLUX MEDICAL Sp. z o.o. (Boguniewo 41, 64-610 Rogoźno Wlkp., Polska). Dane wpisane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie.