Quality above all

Professionalism, reliable knowledge and an innovative approach to technology
are a guarantee of the highest quality of our products and services.

About Flux Medical

We’re manufacturer of specialized RF cabins for medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). We design, manufacture and assembly RF cages for medical sector.

We have knowledge and experience in the building of shielding for rooms with imaging diagnostics devices using ionizing radiation. For example : X-Ray units or computed tomography (CT).
For several years, we have been successfully designing, manufacturing and assembling mobile modular medical suites with a computed tomograph (CT), X-ray device, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and angiography.

We also use this experience in the increasingly popular modular construction, where our technology allows us to assemble modules into buildings whose functionality and parameters match or even exceed traditional construction technology.

Flux Medical Ltd. is a family business that cares about its good name, about employees and customer satisfaction. We have a reliable, competent, experienced and committed team of designers and constructors, office, production workers and fitters. The current staff consists of several dozen experienced specialists. Based on the adopted quality management system ISO 9001:2015 issued by TUV Nord, we are building a new quality together in medicine and broadly understood construction.

We are a team of experienced and ambitious technicians and engineers. We passionately undertake the construction and implementation of comprehensive projects of diagnostic imaging facilities – from foundations to the finish.

Our offer


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Direct contact

Administratorem danych osobowych jest FLUX MEDICAL Sp. z o.o. (Boguniewo 41, 64-610 Rogoźno Wlkp., Polska). Dane wpisane w formularzu kontaktowym będą przetwarzane w celu udzielenia odpowiedzi na przesłane zapytanie.


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